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Gabriele Marranci is an anthropologist by training, working on religion with a specialisation in Muslim societies. His main research interests concern identity, Muslim migration/immigration, urban sociology, globalization, fundamentalism, political Islam, secularisation processes, criminology and anthropology of music. He has widely published in these subjects.
He is Visiting Senior Research Fellow at ARI, and the co-founder of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies at University of Western Sydney. A/P Marranci is the founding editor of the Springer journal Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life, as well the book series Muslims in Global Societies (Springer). His research has been published both in leading international peer-reviewed journals and edited books and he is also the author of four monographs, among which The Anthropology of Islam (Berg) and Faith, Ideology and Fear: Muslim Identities within and Beyond Prisons (Continuum).