Islamic Funeral & Death Rites Course (Feb 2024)
islamic, funeral, death, rites, course, jenazah, management, tahlil, talqin
Fees: $98 for 1 pax | $190 for 2 pax
Death is a very painful and emotional time, yet one that may be filled with hope and mercy. Muslims believe that death is a departure from the life of this world, but not the end of a person's existence. Rather, eternal life is to come, and we pray for Allah's mercy to be with the departed, in hopes that they may find peace and happiness in the next to come.
That is for the person who will face death. But how about the family or relatives? It's very easy to say stay calm and be strong but without the proper knowledge and guidance many times that will not be the case. In some instances, family members break down and make irrational decisions which may cause more problems.
If this situation arises in your family, would you know what to do?
This course will cover the basics of the different cases/situations that will arise in such situations.
This is a 2-day course, which consists of theory and practical.
Topics that are covered:
1. Steps to take when death in the family happens.
2. Call the police or doctor first?
3. Death by accident. How to react?
4. Death overseas. What is required or not required? Bury overseas or bring back to Singapore?
5. Malay Customs: The kain batik lepas. Is it necessary?
These topics (and more) will be discussed in detail during the course.
Practical :
1. Bathing the deceased
2. The correct way of shrouding the deceased
3. Doas to recite
4. Talqin. Is this compulsory? ...and more
This course is open to men and women. There will be seperate training areas for men and women during the practical session.
Venue: Al-Mawaddah Mosque, 151 Compassvale Bow, S544997
Auditorium, Level 4.
Day 1: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 5 pm to 9.45 pm
Day 2: Sunday, 25 February 2024 - 5pm to 9.45 pm
This course will be conducted in English.
Fees for participants at the location:
- $98 (*Limited seat. Notes will be given)
- $190 for two pax
Promotion with Islamic Inheritance Course
Islamic Inheritance Course (2 - 3 March 2024) - Course Fees: $68
Ticket: $138 (2 Course = IFDR Course and Islamic inheritance Course. $98 + $68 - $28 discount )
Be an member and enjoy immediate discounts and gain more points, visit >>
* Price is inclusive of physical notes & certificates of participation.
* Dinner is provided for both days.
Terms and Conditions
1) Full Payments are to be made before the Course starts.
2) NO REFUND for participants that fail to attend the Course. Ensure you can commit to the course timings.
3) Participants will be given Notes.
4) Participants are to attend the course punctually and inform the organizer early if they are late.
5) Participants will be informed in advance of changes.
6) Organiser has the right to make changes to the schedule or cancel the course.
How to Register?
Bank Transfer / Paypal / PayNow/Paylah (HitPay)
< Use the Registration system shown below.>
Step 1: Choose the quantity
Step 2: Fill in your details
Step 3: Choose your mode of payment and proceed with payment.
Our HOTLINE @ 9002 5749 operates during office hours.
Our office operates from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5.00 pm.
Masjid Al-Mawaddah
151 Compassvale Bow, 544997Organisers
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Ustaz Fattah Hasan is a graduand of Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) - Ustaz Fattah Hasan...