The Art of Da'wah - Sharing the Beauty of Islam
Fees: $12 for MCAS Member / $20 for non-Member
Course Synopsis for the workshop:
- Motivation of Da'wah volunteers
- Tending to the needs of new Muslims
- Misconceptions about Islam
- The principles of dialogue vs debate
Learning Objectives:
This workshop which aims to equip participants with:
- Techniques to share the beauty of Islam with others
- Essential information to clarify the common misconceptions of Islam
- Understanding of the importance and the obligation of da'wah in the current context
- Ability to Identify the challenges of da'wah in Singapore
- Necessary skills to harness the potential of new Muslims in da'wah
Course fees:
MCAS Member: S$12.00 (special promotion)
Non-member: S$20.00
*Lunch will be provided on both days.
Registration and Payment are to be made at English Islamic Bookshop (Darul Arqam).
Registration closes on Thursday, 21 May 2015 @ 8.00pm
Faithhub Center
52 Onan RoadOrganisers
The Muslim Converts’ Association of Singapore actively serves to bridge everyone – regardless of...