The Universe According To Islam
Workshop Series: Islamic Astronomy (talk in English)
The Universe According to Islam
Islamic cosmology is the study of how the universe came into being, its structure and its end according to Islam. Hence, the study can be divided into three parts: creation of the universe, structure of the current universe and its destruction which is part of eschatology. This talk will expound on all three parts with references to Al-Quran and Hadith. The creation of the universe will explore the theories on the formation of the seven heavens and the Big Bang. The structure of the current universe will take into account the current astronomical theories and observations, the existence of seven earths, extra terrestrial beings (ET/aliens), solar system. Destruction of the universe will expound on the signs of Qiyamah and the possible scenarios.
Fees: SGD$20.00 Per-Person ($5.00 offer for those who made early bird registration before 31st January 2019)
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