Quran and Science Day
quran, science, halal food, halalan toyyiban, children, workshop
Fees: $15/ workshop
The Quran & Science Day aims to provide children with relevant, hands-on and age-appropriate activities which will bring out the innnate curiosities in children as they experience the wonders of science through the miracles of the Quran.
The theme, 'Food Science', is chosen this time to create awareness and a deeper understanding of the concept of 'halalan toyyiban' as well as develop an appreciation of Allah's creations and food as a blessing from Him. At the same time, we hope to inculcate good eating habits as we emulate our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
An interesting line-up of bite-size workshops will be conducted just for the children!
Registration: tinyurl.com/QuranAndScienceDayREG
Workshops for sign-up:
1. Zippity Zest (by Only Child's Play) 10.00-10.45am
2. Digest to Ingest (by F.E.S.T.) 11.00-11.45am
3. What's in Your Food? (by F.E.S.T.) 12.00-12.45pm
4. Liquid Gold (by Eastern Homeschoolers Group) 1.00-1.45pm
Participation fees for children 4-8 years old (born in 2009-2013): $15 per child
Registration begins 15 mins before the start of every workshop.
This is a parent-accompanied programme. Only one parent is allowed to accompany the child. A parent can accompany max 2 children.