Basic Al-Quran
Tamhid 336 Program is an Introductory Level to learning Quran. This program uses Neuro Nadi Technique (licensed Al Baghdadi Technique from Malaysia). Using SAS (Structure, Analysis and Synthesis) method, students will be able to pronounce the 336 Hijaiyah sounds correctly.
Neuro Nadi Technique uses our 4 senses (sight, hearing, speech and movement), it's proprietary ‘learning aided tool' and guided book (Tamhid Foundation book) during the Quran lesson. This will activate both right and left brain in optimising learning process. With this technique, students are able to read Quran with the correct makhraj fluently in a short time frame. Coupled with flashcards and other teaching aids, learning Quran has never been so fun and enjoyable. Because of its easy to understand, innovative and systematic way of learning, students of all ages are able to take up the lesson and experience the joy of learning Quran.
Students will be taught the 6 main aspects of Quran reading:
1. Recognition and correct pronunciation of Hijaiyah letter.
2. Stokes or symbols (Fathah, Kasrah, Dhammah) functions and their properties
3. Introduction to Tanween and its function
4. Introduction to Arabic vowels – rules of Tajweed on Madda
5. Introduction to Sukun and its function
6. Introduction to Shadda and its function
For Who?
- Youth
- Adult
Every Tuesday from 10 Jan 2017
Time : 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Dynamik Learning Lab 11, Woodlands Close 11, #06-35
Call or whatsapp @ 83685269