Mending My Broken Heart: In Search Of The True Love & Happiness
Fees: S$80
At some point, all of us have been subjected to some form of pain and broken-heartedness. Sometimes the pattern repeats itself. This course will assist students in discovering why this pattern sometimes repeats itself. Based on 2 popular books: “La Tahzan” (Don't Be Sad) and “Reclaim Your Heart”, it aims to provide a lens through which we can see ourselves, and a better perspective of how we can strive to achieve both true love and happiness in this life so that we can reap true benefits in the hereafter. This course will provide a cathartic and life-changing experience in our mutual journey of love and peace!
Firstly, we will be guided on how to remain positive in life despite challenges – and to see the role of such challenges in our lives. This will help to provide a very self-introspective exercise of knowing our own selves before embarking on some prophetic guidance of how to achieve true happiness and love.
A 4-weeks modular course
Sundays / 2:00pm - 4:00pm
14 Aug 2016 - 4 Sep 2016
Class Code: MBH
Enquiries: 9666 4150