Kem Pembuka Dada 5 - The Path of Salafussoleh
Fees: $35
Wak Tanjong Mosque and its youth wing, Nurul Asror, invites you to partake in The Path of Salafussoleh this December as part of the annual initiative, Kem Pembuka Dada 5, led by Ustaz Muhammad Mukhtar.
Strengthen your faith through halaqah (the traditional method of learning) of Aqidatul Awwam by Sheikh Ahmed Al Marzuki Al Maliki (Book of Tauhid).
Discover the journeys, trials and triumphs of local Muslim scholars through Maqam visits.
Alongside a Jenazah preparatory session, other camp highlights include congregational and night vigil prayers (tahajjud, taubah, and hajat), daily awrad, interactive Fiqh (Islamic law) learning and many more.
Camp Duration: 26-29 December 2013
Fees: $35 (including meals, transportation, Aqidatul Awwam book and wirid booklet)
Click the link for registration and payment.