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11 Oct 2024 - 8 RabiulAkhir 1446 Syuruk 6:49 Zuhur 12:53
- 11 Oct 2024 - 8 RabiulAkhir 1446 | Subuh 5:32 | Syuruk 6:49 | Zuhur 12:53 | Asar 16:05 | Maghrib 18:54 | Ishak 20:04
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The Last 2; Day of Judgement & Destiny (Oct 2024)

[Event has ended]
Wed, 2 October 2024, 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM | English

Day of Judgement, Qada wa Qadr, Yaumul Qiyamah, Destiny, Destined

Fees: $38 for All Session, $68 for 2 pax (All Session)

You know how it feels when life throws unexpected challenges your way—when things don't go as planned, and you're left wondering, 

Why ME? 

The truth is every struggle, every triumph, and every decision are intricately woven into the fabric of your destiny. 

But understanding that fabric isn't always easy. 

And what about the inevitable day comes when this world ends, and we face our Creator.......
Are YOU ready?

Most of us go through life with questions gnawing at us. 
  • Why do bad things happen? 
  • How much control do I really have? 
  • What will happen on the Day of Judgement?
Without clear answers, these uncertainties can lead to fear, confusion, or even doubt in our faith.

Imagine standing before Allah on the Day of Judgement, unprepared, uncertain of what's to come. 

Imagine living life without truly understanding the balance between destiny and free will. 

Every missed opportunity to learn and grow in your faith can leave you feeling disconnected and anxious about the future. 

These aren't just floating ideas—they directly affect your peace of mind, your relationship with Allah, and your daily decisions.

The Last 2: Day of Judgement and Destiny workshop is designed to eliminate that uncertainty. 

Together with Ustaz Khairul Zaman, over six powerful sessions, we'll cover the essential concepts of destiny and the Day of Judgement, offering clear guidance, and spiritual insights that will not only answer your questions but transform your understanding and approach to life.

At the end of the day, the question is always the same......
Are You Prepared for the Ultimate Test?


About Asatizah

Ustaz Khairul Zaman is an enthusiast reader especially in the fields of philosophy and he is passionate in doing Dakwah. Ustaz Khairul Zaman furthered his studies at Yarmouk University Jordan, majoring in Islamic Theology. He is currently pursuing his second degree in Hadith studies at University of Madinah. At present, he is a freelance teacher and speaker for religious talks and youth events.


The links will be given to you latest by 12pm, the same day of the class. 

Do look into your junk/spam mail, if you did not receive anything by then to make sure. 


Week 1  ( 2 October 2024 ): Understanding Destiny

+ What is Qada' & Qadr?

+ The four principles to understand destiny 

+ The role of human autonomy 

Week 2  ( 9 October 2024 ): The Good & the Bad

+ Grappling the problem of Evil

+ Destiny & Du'a

+ Destiny & Lifespan/Ajal

+ Practical lessons from Belief in Qadr

Week 3  ( 16 October 2024 ): The Signs of the Last Day

+ Islamic eschatology 

+ The signs according to Islamic tradition

+ Framework to understand signs of the last day

+ Minor signs

+ Mahdi the last major sign 

Week 4  ( 23 October 2024 ): Major Signs

+ The 10 Major Signs

+ The False Messiah: Dajjal

+ The second coming of Christ

+ Yakjuj & Makjuj

Week 5  ( 30 October 2024 ): The End of the World

+ The last few signs: The Sun rising from the west/The creature of the earth/The fire

+ The trumpet blown

+ New earth & resurrection 

Week 6  ( 6 November 2024 ): Judgment Day

+ Intercession of the Prophets

+ Chronology of Judgment Day

+ Tales of Judgment Day


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