Broadcasting live
on 1 May 2020
Khutbah Excerpt, Virtues & Recitation of Al-Kahf
[Event has ended]
Fri, 1 May 2020, 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM | English
Kampung Siglap Mosque
Ustaz Abdullah Hoosen
tazkirah, khutbah, friday, jumuah, alkahf
Fees: FREE
Join our Imam, Ustaz Abdullah Hoosen, in this tazkirah where he delivers an excerpt of the khutbah and extracts the virtues and lessons from Surah Al-Kahf, followed by a recitation of the surah.
Every Friday at 1:30pm.
Follow us on IG, FB and subscribe to our YouTube channel for online dakwah programs every day.
#tafsir #alkahf #jumuah #friday #khutbah
Kampung Siglap Mosque
451 Marine Parade Road, Singapore 449283Organisers
Masjid Kampung Siglap (Mosque)
Masjid Kampung Siglap Darul Quran A Quranic Learning Centre of Excellence To facilitate the d...
Ustaz Abdullah Hoosen
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IslamicEvents.SG Development Sponsorship
SGD 100,136.00
SGD 500000
Target (31 Dec 2025)
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