Rasulullah (SAW) Biography in a Poster

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We were contacted about this Poster just recently and we thought that this would be cool to have in our Children’s Rooms, in Classrooms and at Mosques as It tells you the whole story of Rasulullah (SAW) life in just one Poster.

How easy it is for our children to be able to identify the different points of Rasulullah (SAW) life and remember them through the Power of Visualisation through the Poster itself.

Also for teachers this could be pasted on your Classroom Walls and you could do quizes with it with your students to break the monotonous curriculum.

And of course for Mosques this would be a great education poster for the Jemaah when they pass by your Notice Boards.

Furthermore much research has been done to developed it and it is done by one of the pre-eminent scholars of our time, Syakh Hamzah Yusuf.

Read further below.

Can’t see the poster? Click Here


Combining scholarly research and elegant graphic design, this wall poster provides beginners and the well-read alike with an easy-to-navigate overview of the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him. This 24″ x 36″ full color poster provides a chronological summary of major events for every year of the blessed Prophet’s life, as well as a bilingual listing of the prophetic lineage, a chart of the extended family of the Prophet, and a summary of his military expeditions. Researched and translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, this poster makes a scholarly summary of the life of the Prophet accessible to everyone and is a must for homes and Islamic schools/centers!

*Posters are delivered in sturdy tubing.

*Posters are imported from the UK. Only 18 available in current stock.

Get this Poster today before it runs out of stock.

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  1. Can you tell me how i can get the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad poster and what is the cost of it.


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